Fellowship is important at St. Mary's and we fully embrace it! From vibrant coffee hours to small group meetings we love to gather as a community.
Join us each Sunday after worship for our coffee hour!
Gen Z and Millenials are all welcome to this fun group. Typically this is a dinner group that meets at church. Free childcare is provided for those that need it. GEMZ meets once a month on a weekend evening. More info HERE
Dinner Groups
Small groups meet at parishioner's homes for a fun evening of food and fellowship. They typically meet once a month and rotate among homes. Want to join a dinner group? Let Ginger know in the office (parishoffice@stmaryslw.org).
Agape Meal on Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday is celebrated on the Thursday before Easter to remember Jesus' last meal with his friends and the love they shared together. Similarly, agape is the Greek word to describe the deepest kind of spiritual love. An Agape Meal is a “Love Feast” that encourages harmony, community, and goodwill.